An investment in education always pays the highest returns.

Benjamin Franklin

Academic Tutoring
Course Support & Enrichment

  • Minimum: 10 hours

    Average: weekly for 3+ months

    • Individual = $115/hr in-person; $105/hr online

    • Individual w/ Jesse =  $130/hr in-person; $120 hr online

    • Independent Study = $130/hr in-person; $120 hr online

    • Shared Tutoring (2:1 Ratio) = $75/hr per student

    • Learning Pod =$115/hr* in-person; $105/hr online — split amongst however many students are in the learning pod

    • Humanities/Soc. Sci.: $140/hr in-person; $130/hr online

    • STEM/Econ: $140/hr

    • $150 for new students

    • $50 for current Kay Tutoring students

    • $175/ learning pod student

    • $300 for out-of-state students

  • This only applies to students/families who need extra support.

    • $30/hr scheduling and email services for families needing administrative help outside of session time

    • $150/hr fee for additional phone, Zoom, or in person consulting requested during business hours

    • $200/hr fee for additional phone, Zoom, or in person consulting requested outside of business hours

    • Each tutor’s work outside of the session (over 5 minutes) is charged at their regular tutoring rate (this includes creating practice tests, curriculum development, grading/feedback, etc.) Most of the time, tutors don't need to do outside prep work, and we will discuss this with you before doing any.

Executive Functioning
Academic Coaching

  • This service is for students who need help managing their workload: identify homework, plan homework completion, utilize a planner or schedule, navigate their online classroom, check grades, email teachers, plan for missing or low-scoring work, identify the need for subject-specific academic tutoring based on how certain classes are going, etc.

    • Minimum : 10 hours

    • Average : weekly for 3+ months

    • $115/hr in-person

    • $105/hour online

    • $150/hr- Director

    • $130/hr- Tutor

    • $150 for new students

    • $50 for current Kay Tutoring students

    **Executive Functioning Coaching is billed for the time used, whether meeting synchronously with a student or doing asynchronous work on the student’s behalf

  • This only applies to students/families who need extra support.

    • $30/hr scheduling and email services fee for families needing administrative help outside of session time

    • $150/hr fee for additional phone, Zoom, or in person consulting requested during business hours

    • $200/hr fee for additional phone, Zoom, or in person consulting requested outside of business hours

Test Prep

    • Minimum : 10 hours

    • Average : 15-20 hours

  • Hourly Rate:

    • $150/hour

    • Each tutor’s work outside of the session (over 5 minutes) is charged at their regular tutoring rate (this includes creating practice tests, curriculum development, grading/feedback, etc.) Most of the time, tutors don't need to do outside prep work, and we will discuss this with you before doing any.

    • $300

    • TBD - market cost for prep book

    • as applicable, generally $100-$250 to get matching books for tutors

  • This only applies to students/families who need extra support.

    • $30/hr scheduling and email services for families needing administrative help outside of session time

    • $150/hr fee for additional phone, Zoom, or in person consulting requested during business hours

    • $200/hr fee for additional phone, Zoom, or in person consulting requested outside of business hours

Test Prep

    • Minimum : 15 hours

    • Average : 20-36 hours

  • Hourly Rate:

    • 1v1 tutoring: $130/hr in-person or $120/hr online

    • 2v1 tutoring: $80/hour**

    • 3v1 tutoring: $65/hour**

    **Families must form pairs and trios

    • Minnesota clients of ACT/SAT= $150

      • Occasionally, we need to discuss extensive options or rework the plan due to family requesting changes, and this is increased to $300

    • Minnesota clients of PSAT = $100

    • Domestic clients outside MN = $300

    • Up to $255 for ACT test prep materials

    • $50-175 for SAT/SSAT/PSAT test prep materials

  • This only applies to students/families who need extra support.

    • $30/hr scheduling and email services for families needing administrative help outside of session time

    • $150/hr fee for additional phone, Zoom, or in person consulting requested during business hours

    • $200/hr fee for additional phone, Zoom, or in person consulting requested outside of business hours

    • Each tutor’s work outside of the session (over 5 minutes) is charged at their regular tutoring rate (this includes creating practice tests, curriculum development, grading/feedback, etc.) Most of the time, tutors don't need to do outside prep work, and we will discuss this with you before doing any.

Extracurricular Coaching & Course Selection
College Admissions “Hook”

  • This service helps students navigate, organize, and translate their extracurricular activities to their college applications. The activities they choose to participate in outside of class and academics speak to the student’s passions, priorities, and overall character. This can be a good “college hook” that may make their application stand out from the crowd.

    We can also help students with course selection in conjunction with their interests, skillsets, and goals.

    • Minimum : 5 hours

    • $150/hour with coach/ tutor

    • $200/hour with Andrea

    • Each tutor’s work outside of the session (over 5 minutes) is charged at their regular tutoring rate (e.g. researching on the students behalf, emailing programs options and ideas, etc.) Families that only wish to be charged for live tutoring sessions can request limit tutor work to synchronous work time.

    • $300

    **Extracurricular hook coaching is usually done online

  • Additional Support Costs:

    This only applies to students/families who need extra support.

    • $30/hr scheduling and email services fee for families needing administrative help outside of session time

    • $150/hr fee for additional phone, Zoom, or in person consulting requested during business hours

    • $200/hr fee for additional phone, Zoom, or in person consulting requested outside of business hours

College Counseling
College List • Admission Strategy

  • This service is for students who need assistance with creating or modifying the list of colleges they’re going to apply to, as well as for advice on how to strengthen their application or specific questions about college admissions. Counseling is also available for high school course selection, standardized score sending advice, and more!

    • Minimum : 3 hours

    • $200/hour with Kay Tutoring owner, Andrea

    • $150/hour with a Kay Tutoring director

    • $120/hour with a Kay Tutoring tutor/coach

    • Work outside of the session (over 5 minutes) is charged at their regular tutoring rate (this includes creating practice tests, curriculum development, grading/feedback, etc.) Most of the time, tutors don't need to do outside prep work, and we will discuss this with you before doing any.

    • $75 for Minnesota students

    • $150 for domestic clients outside of MN

  • Additional Support Costs:

    This only applies to students/families who need extra support.

    • $30/hr scheduling and email services fee for families needing administrative help outside of session time

    • $150/hr fee for additional phone, Zoom, or in person consulting requested during business hours

    • $200/hr fee for additional phone, Zoom, or in person consulting requested outside of business hours

Application Essays
High School • College • Graduate

  • Minimum: 5 hours

    Average: 10-15 hours

    • $130/hour in-person

    • $120/hour online (whether live sessions or asynchronous comments/edits)

      **college essay coaching is usually done over Zoom

    • $200 1x start-up for most students

      • If we need to discuss extensive options or completely rework the plan due to family requesting changes, this is increased to $300.

    • 1x fee of $120 for college essay “Kickstarter” created from scratch by each college essay coach after an initial meeting with a student. Students with a viable draft going into tutoring may not need this.

    • 1x fee of $150 for Common App personal statement final editing done by a proofreader and final check by Andrea

    • Each tutor’s work outside of the session (over 5 minutes) is charged at their regular tutoring rate (this includes creating practice tests, curriculum development, grading/feedback, etc.) Most of the time, tutors don't need to do outside prep work, and we will discuss this with you before doing any.

  • This only applies to students/families who need extra support.

    • $30/hr scheduling and email services for families needing administrative help outside of session time

    • $150/hr fee for additional phone, Zoom, or in person consulting requested during business hours

    • $200/hr fee for additional phone, Zoom, or in person consulting requested outside of business hours

    • Each tutor’s work outside of the session (over 5 minutes) is charged at their regular tutoring rate (this includes creating practice tests, curriculum development, grading/feedback, etc.) Most of the time, tutors don't need to do outside prep work, and we will discuss this with you before doing any.

    • All applications reviewed within one-week of a student’s application deadline are charged at 150% of their base price. This fee also applies to any work done during the December 23rd to January 1st period. See our college and grad school application services document for more details. 

Proctored Practice Tests

    • $75

    **includes 3-5 hours of proctoring and a detailed score report afterward

    • $150

    **includes 3-5 hours of proctoring and a detailed score report afterward

    • $25

    **This is for students/parents who wish to self-proctor their practice test but still would like Kay Tutoring to correct it afterwards and produce a detailed score report analyzing their results.

Test Prep

  • This service is for students looking to take College Board AP exams in May, with the hope of scoring well enough to boost their college application’s strength and/or earn college credit. Students looking to achieve a 4 or 5 score typically begin studying for these exams a minimum of 8 weeks in advance.

    AP exam prep sessions are different from academic tutoring sessions for a subject because they are billed differently and have a different focus. Academic tutoring for a subject works alongside the course schedule and the teacher whereas AP exam prep works out of a curriculum book by Princeton Review or Barron's (or similar) and focuses on reviewing and refining skills/knowledge that will be specifically tested on the AP exam. If a student is already tutoring for an academic subject, they should continue tutoring for the course weekly unless they are acing the class and no longer need support in learning the material and maintaining or increasing their grade.

    There are 4 ways to handle AP courses and their exams:

    • AP tutoring for the class (and the student doesn't take the AP exam through the College Board)

    • AP tutoring for the class (and the student DOES take the AP exam through College Board, but we don't help them prepare)

    • AP tutoring for the class AND additional AP Exam Prep tutoring for the College Board exam

    • AP tutoring for the class, which we then convert into AP Exam Prep tutoring for the College Board exam (we stop helping them in day-to-day coursework when this shift occurs)

    The reason these are treated separately is that taking an AP class is no guarantee that the student will do well on the AP exam through the College Board. Prepping for the AP exam requires a review of the entire course’s content (some of which may not have been covered in the actual class and some of which may not be reviewed in the class by the end of the course). The course may also have used tests and assignments that do not align with the questions/ skills tested on the College Board AP exam. For this reason, students who don’t formally study for the exam sometimes get an ‘A’ in their class but a 3, 2, or 1 on the exam without immediately understanding why. It is important students study for the AP College Board exam separately from their class for as least 4-8 weeks beforehand unless their teacher has explicitly said they will do a full, comprehensive review and practice for their AP College Board exam in their class.

    • Minimum : 4 hours

    • Average : 4-8 hours / AP exam

    • $130/hr in-person

    • $120/hr online

    • $150 for new Kay Tutoring students (MN-based)

    • $300 for new Kay Tutoring students (out-of-state)

    • $50 for current Kay Tutoring students looking to add AP exam prep to their current tutoring

    • market cost for prep book

    • $20/ matching prep book for tutor

  • This only applies to students/families who need extra support.

    • $30/hr scheduling and email services for families needing administrative help outside of session time

    • $150/hr fee for additional phone, Zoom, or in person consulting requested during business hours

    • $200/hr fee for additional phone, Zoom, or in person consulting requested outside of business hours

    • Each tutor’s work outside of the session (over 5 minutes) is charged at their regular tutoring rate (this includes creating practice tests, curriculum development, grading/feedback, etc.) Most of the time, tutors don't need to do outside prep work, and we will discuss this with you before doing any.