College Essay & Application Writing
Common Application Essays
Supplementary Essays
Graduate School Essays
Transfer Essays
Want proof we know what we're doing? Check it out! One of our student's essays (Wayzata HS grad) was selected as 1 of 5 of the Best Common App Essays from Emory's 2019 college cycle, which included over 30,000 applications!
Andrea Kay McFarland, Owner and Founder of Kay Tutoring, along with Carolyn, Director of Kay Tutoring’s College Essay Department, and our amazing team of college essay coaches and editors support high school juniors and seniors during every stage of the college essay writing process. Students who are having trouble brainstorming for their college essays will find that our team can help them identify the stories and ideas that they are most genuinely passionate about communicating to colleges. Likewise, students who have already drafted essays often turn to Kay Tutoring for help polishing their writing: making it better organized, more precisely and vividly phrased, and more compelling to readers.
Not only can we help your child navigate the essay portion of the Common Application, but we can also assist with supplementary essays and essays for colleges that do not use the Common App, such as the Coalition schools. Together, we can transform the college essay writing process into a reflective, fulfilling learning experience that helps prepare your child for successful college-level writing.
For further information on our full college essay process and for answers to frequently asked questions, click here. For an overview of our latest pricing, click here.
“Sandra is on Cloud 9. She was accepted, early decision, and they even gave her some academic scholarship $! 😃 All of your work with college essays was a huge help and the scholarship money (ACT tutoring with your tutors directly led to merit money) was a major confidence booster. She was so excited that somebody valued her scholastic ability so much as to pay her for it! Yay! Thank you!”