Fostering academic achievement and life skill development
The mission of Kay Tutoring is to help students achieve academic independence by teaching them a new vision and approach to their education. The educators at Kay Tutoring pride themselves on enriching students’ lives by encouraging them not just to reach out to others for help but also to seek constant and consistent self-improvement.
Why Choose Us?
Because we teach students holistically. What does this mean? Your child is a student and also an individual: a person full of possibility and talent who needs to be treated as such. When we tutor your child, one of our tutors gets to know them as a person and genuinely connects with them, guided by the principle that every student is unique. We care a lot, and when tutors care and invest in students in this way, tutoring is more fun and students enjoy it. If your student is not enjoying the help they are receiving, there's something wrong!
Another reason to choose us is that we create a plan for every tutoring session and tailor that plan to your child’s unique personality, learning style, and goals. On any given day, a Kay Tutoring tutor might be highly energetic with one student who simply adores school and cannot wait to be challenged more, while being patient and gentle with another student who has just started tutoring because of poor grades or a disappointing test score. Our tutors love a “challenge” because, to us, there are no “challenging kids.” Everyone is different, and we value and honor those differences.
Families tell us that one to two hours a week working with us replaces many unproductive hours spent on unfocused self-study. We welcome the opportunity to provide you with the service and results that your child deserves.
Kay Tutoring in the news.
See Kay Tutoring’s founder Andrea Kay McFarland and Executive Director Mallory Goering speak about the growing need for tutoring services to bridge learning gaps caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. See Kare 11’s news article here.
Our Guarantee
We guarantee that if you follow the program we lay out together in the Consultation Session, your child will improve, whether in grades or test score. While I don’t make concrete guarantees about the specific GPA improvement or percentage increase possible, my students’ ACT score improves 6.25 points on average and their grades typically improve a full letter grade if we’re doing academic coaching.
A note on grade and score improvements: improvements are influenced by several factors, including the number of tutoring sessions conducted and the amount of time that the student spends doing independent preparation between sessions. Some factors are more difficult to quantify, such as how quickly the student learns or which sections of the material are specific strengths/weaknesses. These differences will affect the number of sessions needed. Also, “outside” factors such as test anxiety, attention/focus, and confidence issues can play a role in a student’s final grade.